

Naomi Frendo

Electives are excellent opportunities for medical students to experience a clinical placement in a hospital of their choice. These Electives are organised by the students themselves and thus can be more flexible when it comes to specialities, duration, and location! The Electives office aims to assist students who wish to attend an Elective Placement in Malta by processing their application, organising an exciting Social Programme and also being there to answer any questions they might have! In addition to this, this office aims to provide useful resources for local students to plan and embark on their own Electives abroad! When it comes to Electives, the possibilities are bound only by the extent of one’s imagination and initiative!

For more information we invite you to visit https://www.um.edu.mt/ms/medicalelectives where you will be able to find the application form and lots of useful information. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us on on electives@mmsa.org.mt

Assistant - Kay Mifsud

Incoming Coordinators - Maria Elena Pace, Grazia Magro, Kristina Marie Scerri, Kylie Psaila, Rosie Attard, Shania Psaila

Social Programme Coordinators - Nicola Saliba, Nicole Pace